Chicken Nesting Boxes: Free DIY Plans & How to Build Them

Chicken Nesting Boxes: Free DIY Plans & How to Build Them

You might want to build chicken nesting boxes because you want fresh eggs. Chickens need a place to lay their eggs, and nesting boxes are perfect for that. They’re also a good place for chickens to roost at night.

The most common challenge people have when building chicken nesting boxes is that they don’t know how to build them properly. This can lead to a lot of problems, such as chickens laying their eggs on the floor of the box, or not being able to get into the box at all.

To avoid these problems, it’s important to make sure your nesting boxes are constructed correctly. The dimensions of the box are important, as is the angle of the roof. The entrance to the box should also be big enough for your chickens to fit through easily.

If you’re not sure how to build a chicken nesting box, there are plenty of online tutorials available that can help you. Or you can ask a friend who has experience building these boxes for advice.

What are chicken nesting boxes & why do they need them

Chicken nesting boxes provide a safe and comfortable place for chickens to lay their eggs and are an essential element of any coop setup. Nesting boxes need to be protected from predators, easy to access, and comfortable for chickens to enter. Depending on your design preferences, you can purchase a pre-made nesting box or make one yourself with free plans and DIY instructions.

Types of Nesting Boxes

There is an array of different nesting boxes available on the market today. You can choose from plastic or wooden designs, depending on your budget and preferences. It is important to consider how many chickens will be using the nesting box when deciding which type of box to purchase or build. You may want a larger model that can house several chickens or individual boxes for each chicken.

How to Build a Nesting Box

If you are looking to save money, you can try building your own nesting box with free plans available online. The construction of a chicken nesting box is relatively simple and all you need are basic woodworking skills and the right materials. You will need to assemble the frame, install a roof, and add an access ramp for the chickens if necessary.

Building chicken nesting boxes is not difficult, but there are a few things to consider before you begin. You’ll need to decide how many nesting boxes you want and where they will be located in your coop or yard. You’ll also need to select the right materials for the job.

Once you’ve chosen your materials and plan, you can begin the construction process. Building chicken nesting boxes is a straightforward project for most DIYers and doesn’t require advanced carpentry skills. Here are some of the materials that are commonly used to build chicken nesting boxes:

• Plywood: Plywood is one of the most popular materials for building chicken nesting boxes because it’s strong, durable, and easy to work with. It can also be painted or stained to match the style of your coop.

• Wood Panels: Another great option for building chicken nesting boxes is wood panels. They’re lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to customize. Plus, you’ll have plenty of room for ventilation and insulation.

• Corrugated Plastic: Corrugated plastic is a great choice for DIYers who want to build chicken nesting boxes on the cheap. It’s durable and easy to cut, so it’s perfect for customizing your design.

With these materials in hand, you’re ready to get started! To begin, figure out how many nesting boxes you want and where they’ll go in your coop or yard. Once you’ve got a plan, it’s time to start building.

When constructing chicken nesting boxes, there are two main steps: assembling the box itself and adding insulation and ventilation. Assemble the box using your chosen material according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For wood panels , use galvanized screws and wood glue to ensure a solid structure. For corrugated plastic, use deck screws or other fasteners that are designed for this material.

Once the box is assembled, it’s time to add insulation and ventilation. This will keep your chickens comfortable in cold weather and help regulate temperatures inside the nesting box. Use high-quality insulation such as foam or cellulose to line the walls and ceiling of the box. Also, make sure there are several air vents at the top of the box for proper airflow.

Finally, you’ll need to add a ramp for your chickens to access the nesting boxes. You can purchase a pre-made ramp or build one yourself using materials such as wood or plastic. Make sure the ramp is wide enough and not too steep for your chickens to climb up easily.

Tips for Keeping Your Chickens Happy in Their Nesting Boxes

Once you have your nesting box set up, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your chickens are comfortable and safe while they lay their eggs. Providing adequate bedding material such as straw or shredded paper will help keep the eggs clean and provide cushioning for the chickens. Ensuring you provide a consistent source of light helps to keep the chickens’ circadian rhythms in check and can lead to better egg production. Finally, having a nesting box that is open and large enough for your hens to enter easily will also help make them feel secure while they lay eggs.

Where to Buy Pre-Made Nesting Boxes

If you don’t want to tackle the task of building a nesting box yourself, there are plenty of pre-made models available online or in your local pet store. Many companies offer ready-to-go options that require minimal effort for setup, such as roll-away nesting boxes and stackable boxes.

Free Plans for Making Your Own Chicken Nesting Boxes

For those who want to build their own nesting box, there are plenty of free plans available online. These plans provide detailed instructions on how to construct a nesting box out of wood, with diagrams and step-by-step instructions. Some plans include additional features such as an access ramp for the chickens or a secure nesting box.


Nesting boxes are a great addition to any chicken coop and can help keep your chickens safe, productive, and healthy. Whether you purchase a pre-made model or make one yourself using free plans, the key is to provide a comfortable and secure environment for your chickens. With the right setup, your chickens will be happy and lay plenty of eggs!


Q: How many nesting boxes do I need?

A: This will depend on the size of your flock. Generally, it’s best to provide one nesting box for every four hens.

Q: Can I put multiple chickens in a single nesting box?

A: It’s not recommended as this can cause stress and competition that could lead to injuries.

Q: How often should I clean out the nesting boxes?

A: It’s recommended to clean them out every few weeks or when you notice buildup of old bedding material and droppings. Removing the bedding on a regular basis will help keep your chickens healthy.

Q: What type of material should I use for the nesting box?

A: Wood and corrugated plastic are two popular materials to use. Make sure you select a high-quality material that is rot-resistant and easy to clean.

Q: How do I make a ramp for my chickens?

A: A ramp can be made with wood or plastic and should be wide enough and not too steep for your chickens to climb up easily. You can use a pre-made ramp or construct one yourself using the instructions in your nesting box plans.

Q: Does the nesting box need to be ventilated?

A: Yes, proper ventilation is important for the health of your chickens. Make sure to place several air vents at the top of the box to ensure adequate airflow.

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